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HKU-100 Scholar, Assistant Professor in the Translation Program, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), 2021–

Postdoctoral Fellow, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, HKU, 2019–2021

Lee Kong Chian Research Fellow, National Library Singapore, 2018


PhD in Comparative Literature, University of Chicago, 2019

MA in Comparative Literature, University of Chicago, 2016

BA in Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University in the City of New York (magna cum laude), 2011


Early Career Scheme (ECS), University Grants Committee, for “Visualizing Keywords in Malaysian-Chinese Literary History via Digital Humanities Methods,” 2023–26

Social Science Research Council InterAsia Academy Fellowship, 2021

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Doctoral Fellowship, 2018 

Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship, National Library Singapore, 2018

Kei-on Chan Dissertation Prize in Modern Chinese Studies, 2018

China and Inner Asia Council (CIAC) Graduate Student Best Paper Prize, Association for Asian Studies, 2017



 “Li Zishu’s Hidden Transcripts of Post-1970s Malaysia: Literature and Religion in Land of Floating Customs,” Wasafiri: International Contemporary Writing 38: 4 (Issue 116) (2023): 71–80.

“Inter-Imperial, Ecological Interpretations of the ‘Five Coolies’ Myth in Penang and Medan,” PRISM: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature 19: 2 (2022): 319–336.

“The Imaginative Materialism of Wen in Ng Kim Chew’s Malayan Communist Writing,” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) 40 (2018): 163–198.

Book Chapters

“Legal Publics in the Straits Settlements: The Chinese Protectorate and G.T. Hare’s Textbook of Documentary Chinese (1894)” (forthcoming).

“Huang Chong-kai and the Taiwanese Novel of Ideas,” in Chia-rong Wu and Ming-ru Fan (eds.), Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Reader (Springer, 2023), 189–200.

“Thai, Chinese and Malay Modern: Civilisational and Textual Discourses in Hsu Yun-Tsiao’s 1933 Diaries in Patani,” Chapters on Asia: Selected Papers from the Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship (National Library Singapore, 2019), 49–70.

Book Reviews

Cosima Bruno, Lucas Klein, and Chris Song (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature in Translation (London: Bloomsbury, 2024), reviewed in Journal of Translation Studies (forthcoming, 2024).

Cheow-Thia Chan, Malaysian Crossings: Place and Language in the Worlding of Modern Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press, 2023), reviewed in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 55: 1 (forthcoming, 2024).

Caroline Chia and Tom Hoogervorst (eds.), Sinophone Southeast Asia: Sinitic Voices across the Southern Seas (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021), reviewed in Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde (BKI), 179: 1 (2023), 153–55.

Public Essays and Interviews

〈先端中的转折:文笔另类的张永修〉, Preface for Chan Yeong Siew’s 张永修short-story collection 《寻虎》(Youren chubanshe, 2023), 11–18.

“Translating Taiwan and Riding the Iron Horse of Fate in Nature: An Interview with Darryl Sterk,” Chinese Literature and Thought Today 54: 1–2 (2023), 78–87.

“Narrating the Emergency from the Other’s Point of View: Between Restitution and Rehabilitation,” Asian American Writers’ Workshop (AAWW), “Restitution” Portfolio, 2023.


“On Mahua poet Sha Qin,” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Chinese Poets since 1949 (Second Volume) (forthcoming).

Translation (from Chinese to English)

Ling Yu 零雨, Daughters《女兒》(London: Balestier Press, forthcoming).

Li Tuo 李陀, “1985,” in Anatoly Detwyler and Michael Gibbs Hill (eds.), Li Tuo’s Avalanche: Critical Essays on Contemporary China (forthcoming).

Chan Yeong Siew 張永修, “Searching for a Tiger” <尋虎> (2019), Practice, Research and Tangential Activities (PR&TA) 1, “Migrations” (2021).

Huang Chong-kai 黃崇凱, “Ramón, Adolfo, Ernesto, and Che” <拉蒙、阿道弗、埃內斯托還有切> (2020), Renditions 96 (2021).

A Leng 阿楞, “The Sea Lion that Jumped over Terraced Fields” <跳梯田的海獅> (2019), Asian American Writers’ Workshop (AAWW), “Monsoon Notebook,” Transpacific Literary Project, under pen name Zhou Sivan (2020).